Dr. Dinara Turlan
Dr. Dinara Turlan is a licensed physician specializing in General Medicine in Kazakhstan. She has a strong background in general medicine, providing patient care across various conditions. Dr. Dinara is experienced with international medical standards and practices and is fluent in English.

Dr. Dinara earned her Bachelor's degree in General Medicine and Internship in General Medicine Practice from the National Medical University named after S.D. Asfendiyarov, Almaty, Kazakhstan. In addition to her academic work, Dr. Dinara has completed advanced courses through YESmed, focusing on Neurology, Cardiology, Rheumatology, Endocrinology, and Gastroenterology.

She is currently pursuing a Master's degree in Sports Medicine and Rehabilitation at Nazarbayev University. During her studies, she participated in numerous internships and training programs at distinguished medical facilities, such as the University Medical Center (UMC), the Olympic Committee of Kazakhstan, and the Children's Rehabilitation Center. Her qualifications also include working as a General Practitioner at a Family Medicine Clinic, where she gained extensive experience managing diverse patient populations.

Dr. Dinara is proficient in managing a wide range of general medical conditions and is committed to evidence-based medical practice. She is fluent in Russian, Kazakh, and English, allowing her to consult and communicate effectively with both local and international patients.
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